Now You Can Become Your Own Boss and
Enjoy The Life of a Self-Employed Professional
This is your opportunity to live the coaching lifestyle. You’ll be making a great living while helping others succeed. I know of no other profession that is this rewarding and fulfilling.
In addition to masterful coaching skills, you are also trained in how to build your business and market your practice. You are skillfully guided the entire way:
From one-on-one clients, to powerful group coaching sessions.
From landing your first client to diversifying a full coaching practice.
From fundamental promotional skills to fast track practice building.
At this point you’re probably wondering how much would a program like this cost? With all the contributing coaching experts sharing so many experiences, insights, and short cuts… the multimedia Coach Training Accelerator™ is easily valued at $1,400.
Yet even at this price, the course is a fraction of the cost charged by other training programs who expect you to pay more than two to three times that much ($3,200 to $4,800 or more) and would have you wait 2-3 years to begin your career.
I’ll let you in on a little secret – call it your first lesson in “counter-intuitive marketing.” There is a Law of the Universe that states, “You cannot give away more than you receive back.” Because we believe so strongly in this truism, we are going to divide –not multiply- the $1,400 value in half. This brings your investment down considerably to only $697 -OR- three easy payments of only $257.
You can get started RIGHT NOW without delaying your dreams by placing your order today.
A Simple Promise and
This is our promise!
Now It’s Your Turn to
Live the Life of a Great Coach
It’s time to put your coaching career on fast forward. No matter where you are or where you want to be in building your practice, the Coach Training Accelerator™ moves you there better, faster, and for less money… guaranteed.
Take action on your goals and dreams now through this special offer. You have our promise AND a full money-back guarantee so there’s absolutely zero risk.
Yes, I Want to Accelerate My Coaching Success!
I understand I receive the completely revised, expanded, and improved edition of the Coach Training Accelerator™, including 346 pages of training materials and coaching resources.
I also receive more than 8 hours of CD-ROM tutorials (recording studio quality) that I can listen to at home, in my car, or on the run.
In addition, I get instant access to the Jump Start Accelerator program which I will be able to download to my desktop and begin within the next 5 minutes. This electronic format gives me instant, “clickable” access to the digital software and exclusive online resources.
AND I will have the opportunity to listen in on 5 full-length, true-to-life coaching sessions with five different coaches, real clients and tough topics.
- I will be able to register for two hours of live teleclass training on becoming a coach. I can choose from several different times and dates for this orientation to the coaching profession that are convenient to me.
- In addition, I will have all my ongoing questions answered and be able to learn other tips and strategies during the monthly call-in hosted by a Professional Certified Coach. This is available to me for an entire year.
- I will also be able to customize my own coaching forms and templates included on the QuickStart disc in both Microsoft Word and Acrobat PDF format.
Additionally, I receive the Special Report fully describing the Powerful Daily Practices that will help me create a rich and fulfilling life for myself and my clients .
PLUS… I automatically receive $556.95 in free bonuses, including a complete advanced system for comfortably marketing and promoting my coaching practice in a style that is completely my own!
Please Rush Me the Entire
Are You Prepared to
Make a Great Living?
The minute you start the Accelerator, you begin your transformation in a 20-week graduate level course. You build a solid business foundation for your practice, and grow quickly with quality clients. You have the skills you need to help your clients get powerful results right away.
But the real reward is what happens next. For when you’re a coach, you are part of an important and rapidly emerging profession. You’re able to help others reach their goals in an effective, long-lasting way — and get paid for it! What could be better than that?
In short, this condensed training program provides you the tools, techniques, and strategies you need to quickly start and expand your own business. It is intentionally designed to have you building and filling your practice from Week One. You begin earning an income from coaching while you train. Order now using the link above.
Best wishes for incredible success in your coaching career!
Yours in coaching,
Will Craig, MA
Knowledge Guide & Mentor Coach
Founder –Coach Training Alliance
P.S. You could spend years and thousands of dollars getting trained before your earned a dime. But the Accelerator is different. With this program, you’ll get through the process much more quickly… expanding your skills in all the key areas… and get ready to start making money right away.
P.S.S. Remember, this offer is only guaranteed for a limited time, so be sure to lock in your special pricing today. You’re making this purchase with absolutely ZERO RISK, so grab this price while you can! You’ve got nothing to lose.
Tax Deductible In the USA, all expenses of continuing education undertaken to maintain and improve business and professional skills are tax deductible. (Treas. Reg. 1-162-5). Please contact your tax consultant for further information.
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